Well I took off early this morning and forgot to check the stocking dates of the area streams. There is this little half mile stretch of stream known as Bankston Park. Pulled into the lot and found the parking lot mostly full. Guess I should have checked to make sure it wasn't stocking day. On any other day there is rarely more then 2 vehicles, usually a couple of older gentleman sitting at the pool by the parking lot with there poles in the water and talking away.
Figured since I was out here I should fight the crowds and see if I could find the local resident wild Browns that live throughout the stream. More then once I had people setup shop not more then 5' away, and I had to restrain myself from playing whack a mole with them. No I really don't mind they stock but few people had any respect as they tore through the streams and casting right next to each other. I tried a few of my standard places for the local Browns, but the fact they put about 500 Rainbows the Browns had gone into hiding so I thought. I did manage to hook a few Rainbows that quickly got off during their jumps at the surface.
After working my way upstream I found a few pockets I hadn't previously fished on any other trip. Success I finally found some wild Browns that put up a great little fight. I lost 2 of them before I finally landed a nice little 8"er in a small pool. After a few more tries I moved further upstream and made some casts in a deep narrow run that I wade across to cross the stream.
After a few casts I hooked a really nice Rainbow which I kept on for a minute before he ran downstream and the barbless hook popped out of his mouth. Figured I would make a few last casts before finishing my crossing, BAM it felt like a freight train hit my fly. For nearly 3 minutes I never got to even see what I hooked into as it swam back and forth, then upstream. He took a wild 180 then started to run down stream right past me as I kept the tension on the line. He jumped behind me and I though I lost him as the line went slack, but he started heading upstream again on my other side. He managed to swim around me then back around, and a few minutes later I landed one of the biggest resident Browns I have caught there to date.
After a few pictures I sent him back to the depths which he came from, hoping to find and meet up with him on another day. The coloring on him was gorgeous, and he fought so much harder than any stocked trout I have ever landed. I worked the rest of the way upstream and landed 2 more resident Browns and lost another after he pulled some fancy moves as I was thigh high in fast water. With all the wading I have been doing I believe I now need to invest into a wading staff as I have found myself in a few precarious positions while in the water.
So for it being as crazy out there as it was I was able to find a bit of peace and some quietude that was much needed.